Request for records

Home Services Request for Records

Request for Records


In the pursuit of compiling medical records for the purposes of making a summary, a few essential records can turn up missing. Such instances can be pivotal in the success of your case, as missing records is never a good sign, hence request for records service play a pivotal role in any legal case.

Datascribe brings to you its RFR service, where you no longer have to suffer from the consequences of missing records. Our RFR service aims at retrieving records that are either lodged in the filing cabinets at hospitals or insurance institutions and facilities in the carrying on of a case without hitches.  This service, like any other, can be subscribed to in connection with our medical summary service subscription or without.

We have about 15 RFR specialists that are trained in record retrieval methods, having a stellar success rate when compared to our competitors, all within the framework of HIPAA. Never miss a medical record again with Datascribe!