As a business, you are most likely getting a lot of mail whether that’s via traditional mail or email. It is important to stay on top of your mail no matter the form that it comes in.
Sorting and organizing will help you know what you got in the mail, keep only what is important and store it for future reference.
By doing this periodically, it will save you time. If you let your mail get of control, then you are in trouble. You will miss out on important information and deadlines. Therefore,
we highly encourage a well thought out and efficient mail merging system in place. We are going to share with you how mail merging can save your business sometimes.
1.Create Batches of Mail
A mail merge process comes handy when your business has to create a batch of personalized letters or emails to send to your business contacts. When you outsource
this, you can let our team know how to best create your content whether from a canned email or create custom content. Let us know your preference and we will handle it from
there. We understand that there are different needs for different emails, so we keep this in mind to make sure that meet your needs.
For example, we can do this by greeting each recipient by their first name or other unique information. All the information you use to customize the letter or email is taken from CRM entries and your mailing list. We will be sure to segment it to the appropriate mailing list and send your mail at the appropriate time. We want to make sure that you are in contact with those who need to hear from you.
2.Printing Important Business Documents
Another way mail merging that can save you time is by allowing you to create and print envelopes, labels, or important emails and documents. You can create and print important documents for everyone on your mailing list including labels and envelopes. This will save you from handwriting out names and addresses on envelopes or business letters.
3.Organize Multiple Email Addresses
Merge all your email addresses into one. This will save you time from logging in and checking multiple accounts. Also, you can create filters for all your emails to separate folders to help you stay organized. You can read the urgent emails right away without all the clutter. Another benefit is that you can filter out all the spam and promotion emails out of the way. This will help you have a well-organized inbox.
At Datascribe, we offer business top-notch mail merging services where we review your email, sort it and file it to the agreed upon system that has been created. Therefore, saving you time and energy so you can focus on other important aspects of your business. Reach out to us today to see how can we can best serve you with our mail merging services.